Keeping your fans entertained and pumped is key to successfully running a sporting event. You want your pre-game and in-game giveaways to create excitement. You want your fans cheering for more!
Sports Enthusiasts is a North American marketing firm specializing in really cool stuff that you can't get anywhere else. Our Soft Sport and Custom Design lines raises school spirit both on and off the field. Our Soft material products are also ideal for Frosh Week and Homecoming Events, Fundraising, In-Stadium Giveaways, Fan Tosses, Campus Bookstores, and Alumni activities.
Our company's cutting-edge lineup includes footballs, hockey pucks, basketballs, baseballs, rugby balls, soccer balls, curling rocks, figure and hockey skates, noisemakers, cheer gear, as well as character images and specialty designs. Our Soft Sport line provides the ultimate in design flexibility in every imaginable color. Just think of your school colors or Homecoming message on hockey pucks, footballs or even curling rocks. Let us master the art of the impossible!
Don't forget about the Big Game or Championship Tournament. Keep your fans in the stands pumped with our Cheer Gear and Noisemakers. Our roster of inflatable rally sticks, pennants, foam cheer gear, rooter poms, pep rags, stadium/arena clappers, and megaphones gives the crowd something to shout about.